Sunday, March 4, 2007

Sweet Spot

My fourth source for my research paper is a book called "Hitting the Sweet Spot." This book is focused around one of the most recent advertising strategies. Throughout the history of advertising things have been focused around the product, but this is the first concept that deals with the heart and the emotions of the consumers.

"Hitting the Sweet Spot" is a guide to giving consumers exactly what they want to see through the advertising of the product. Instead of commercials focused on what the product is, they are now focused on how they will make the consumer feel. It has been found that people are emotionally attached to certain brands and this strategy plays off of that. The goal is to hit the sweet spot of your target audience, or to find the one thing that will connect with them on a personal and emotional level.

Instead of Tide just being a laundry detergent, it is now a feeling; it reminds you of your mother washing your clothes and the scent brings you back to those fond memories of childhood. Sure, it washes your clothes, probably gets them pretty clean, but Tide means so much more than just simply clean clothes.

The concept sounds a bit silly, but almost anyone can name a few brands that they are emotionally attached to, and that is exactly why this strategy is so successful. Maybe it's that your dad gave you your first baseball glove and it was Wilson brand, or that you ate Cheerios with your grandmother every morning. Just think about it. Both of those would make great commercials.

"Hitting the Sweet Spot" is one of the more recent strategies in advertising and it will probably continue to be successful for a while. A lot of information is useful in this book and it will definitely fall somewhere into my research paper, most likely towards the end of the chronology.


lscoula said...

I'm not sure how well the sweet spot method really works on me, but I definately see where your going with the whole Tide thing. But for example, with the Wilson baseball glove thing, wouldnt someone have had to received that specific brand as a child inorder for the stratagy to work on them, thus only affecting a certain number of the population? I dont know, just seems kinda weird to me I guess. However, just like all the other crazy stratagies, Im sure this one works just as well as the rest.

Anonymous said...

I must say that I have seen you reading that book across our room and I am glad that it helping you out a lot. I can understand the whole emotional tie to a product. I never really think about anyone when I am buying my Gain though, I thinki just like the smell. JIF peanut butter on the other hand does remind me of my mother!