Saturday, March 3, 2007


The third source I'm using for my research paper is a book called "Positioning: How to Be Seen and Heard in the Overcrowded Marketplace." There is a ton of information packed into this book, but I definitely think I will be able to use a lot of it in my paper. It will be difficult to pick and choose from the examples, because there are a lot that relate to my topic. A lot of the information can be weeded out and picked apart.

The book is written around an advertising strategy called positioning. Positioning is when an advertiser "positions" the product in the minds of the consumers. Instead of simple stating what the product has to offer, positioning gives the product an identity in the consumers mind. Often times the product is positioned against its competitors. This usually occurs when a brand is #2 in the category and they need something that will let that brand stand out from the #1 brand.

Numerous successful advertising campaigns have been formed around the positioning strategy, and the authors provide many examples of successful brands that were repositioned in the marketplace. One of the most famous examples of this is 7up.

Originally 7up was positioned almost for medicinal purposes; it was the drink your mom gave you when you had an upset stomach. It was not even in the same category as Coke and Pepsi. After 7up sales began to plumit, it was repositioned as the "uncola." This new advertising campaign compared it to Coke and Pepsi, but said that it was different, new, and not a cola. 7up sales skyrocketed due to this new position.

"Positioning" will definitely be a lot of help for my paper, and I think I will be able to incorporate the information easily with the rest of my sources so far.

1 comment:

lscoula said...

I really like reading your blogs about advertising stratagies. They seem so interesting because its almost like the advertisers trick us most of the time into buying and consuming things. I think it will be a very strong part of your paper(all the stratagies).