Monday, February 12, 2007

Paper Progress

So far I feel like my research has been going pretty well. It helps that I'm in the process of taking a few classes for my major this semester, so everything is going together. I'm learning a lot of things that I didn't know before, and there is a lot more information out there.

I think it will be smart to organize my research paper not only in chronological order, but with the key people as well. As my research continues I can see what information I want to go where, and what information I still want to find out. I think by making an outline like that will make it easier in the end to actually write the paper.

I'm really glad that I chose the history of advertising for my topic because it's helping me to learn more about my major, but it is information that may not be studied in any of my classes. So far things are going very well and I'm looking forward to the rest of the process.


lscoula said...

Thats great that your learning more about your major through this assignment/paper. It sort of gives it more purpose I think. The outline idea is a good one. It helps to be able to see where your paper is going and how each section will look. It defintely gets the paper going. Having classes on your topic is probably super helpful, I'm a little jealous, haha. I'm having trouble finding some information now, so a class would be real helpful.

mander said...

That is very good that you are learning things that you didn't know before. It is also wonderful that your classes are discussing the samething that way you are always thinking about your topic. Think the idea of writing an outline will help you out a lot. It is also very good to know about the history of your major that way you know how it got started.

Anonymous said...

I am really excited that you are happy with your topic selection. the fact that you are learing more about your topic is wonderful also. Don't forget to take advantage of some of your advertising proffesors im sure they would be a lot of help!