Saturday, March 3, 2007

Peer Review Session

When we had our peer review session in class, it seemed like everyone was able to benefit from it, or atleast take something away from the constructive criticism. Because the four of us all had the chance to read each others papers, we were all able to compare and contrast each paper, as well as find the weaknesses.

In my paper I found that I needed to better explain what the Unique Selling Proposition was because the average person does not know about it. I somewhat took this for granted, and for the rest of my paper I will have to be careful about assuming that the general population already knows some of the things that I know about advertising and its history.

I think the peer review session was helpful, especially because it allowed me to fix things in my paper that I hadn't found on my own. I corrected a few comma errors and reworded some of my sentences. I also started threes sentences in a row with the word "the," and after the peer review session I was able to correct that as well.

I hope everyone else benefited from the peer review session as much as I did, and I really think its a good, helpful was to use class time in a way that everyone can benefit from. It was nice to be able to fix the paper after the peer review session, because I think everone's papers would have improved.

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