Thursday, April 19, 2007

Should I Be Persuaded?

Although this is no longer a current advertisement, I found that the commercial for the "Chocolate" cell phones that featured Christina Aguilera's song, "Candyman" was brilliant. If you're not familiar with the commercial, I'll try to describe it for you.

The scenery was almost like a high-tech candy factory, with conveyer belts going every which way. But instead of candybars traveling about the factory there were the cellphones. The three colors of the cellphones (red, white, and green) were the three colors used throughout the commercial, and the way the commercial flowed was unbelievable. Christina Aguiulera's song worked perfectly as the "soundtrack" for this commercial because she describes a guy like candy, but in this case it seems as if she's describing the phones. Also, a main feature of the cellphones is that they double as an mp3 player, so it was like the song was coming from the phone.

As I write this I feel as if I'm not giving the commercial as much applause as it deserves. I guess you just have to see it, and for those who have I hope you agree with me!

The commercial just had so much synergy, everything was related and it had many key aspects that an advertiser strives for. For one, the catchy pop song will most likely be stuck in your head for the rest of the day, if not the week. The use of color and movement makes it hard to turn your head or flip the channel in the middle of it. The way the product, the song, the visual, the colors, and the design all work together is really great.

Sometimes I feel as if I'm the only person in the world who would rather watch commercials than the actual television programming. I, obviously, blame this on my major, and at times I find it extremely annoying. But on the other hand, I enjoy it. I found this commercial to be one of the best that I've seen in a long time, and it motivated me to one day create, or atleast be a part of creating a commercial that is on the same level.

Another point that I hesitate to make is that the commercial began to persuade me that I NEEDED one of these cellphones. I am ashamed to admit that I was sucked into the business that I will one day be working in. I have not, however, purchased one. Yet.

1 comment:

lscoula said...

That commercial is pretty cool, ive seen it. Not to mention i love christina so even if i wasnt watching the tv when the commerical came on, as soon as i hear the song, its got my attention. The colors and the phones were very visually pleasing. I like that your admitting to being sucked into the idea of getting one of the phones, its obviously great advertising if it can trick an advertisment major! Great blog!