Thursday, May 3, 2007

Suggestions Received

My three classmates also had some suggestions for my paper and I took them all into consideration. I changed some of the things that they pointed out to me, but some things I kept the way they were to begin with. First of all, I fixed my citations that were incorrect, as well as my works cited page. Laurie pointed out that not all of my citations matched up with the page. She also pointed out a few places where things were inconsistent, such as my spelling of the word “Domino’s.” I looked it up and changed it to the appropriate spelling.

Molly found some of the same mistakes, and she also pointed out page numbers that were missing, and that my works cited page was not double spaced. Amanda suggested that a few of my sentences be worded differently, or moved to a different paragraph, but for the most part I left the organization of my paper the way it was. I also went through and edited my paper one last time, just to catch any small errors. I added a few commas where they were needed, and I took the time to really read each sentence separately so I would not miss anything.

I think peer review sessions can be tedious at times, but the end results are very helpful. The suggestions from my classmates were useful and insightful, and my paper improved because of them. I hope that my suggestions helped them in return, and that they were able to develop and refine their papers as well.

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