Thursday, May 3, 2007

A Look Back...

As I finish up my research paper, I find myself looking back at the beginning of the semester. The first few days of class I had no idea what I was going to write my research paper about, and I was worried that it just wouldn't get done, let alone be written well. Looking at the final copy of it now I am pretty satisfied. I'm glad that I chose the topic I did because it was interesting and it helped me to dig deeper into my major and I learned a lot.

I also think that the blogs were a great addition to the entire process. It was nice to be able to write about the sources, or just about whatever I had found throughout my research. It will be a nice thing to look back at in a few years and remember all of the work I put into this paper. It will also be funny to look back at it when the world of advertising has changed, and to find that my "future of advertising" has become the past.

History fascinates me to begin with, so the history of my major ended up being the perfect topic. I think I researched it well and found out many key points that were vital to the development of modern advertising. I am even more excited to take more advertising classes and to eventually start my career in the advertising business. One day you'll be flipping through the channels to find a commercial that I developed. This research paper is truly only the beginning.

Suggestions Received

My three classmates also had some suggestions for my paper and I took them all into consideration. I changed some of the things that they pointed out to me, but some things I kept the way they were to begin with. First of all, I fixed my citations that were incorrect, as well as my works cited page. Laurie pointed out that not all of my citations matched up with the page. She also pointed out a few places where things were inconsistent, such as my spelling of the word “Domino’s.” I looked it up and changed it to the appropriate spelling.

Molly found some of the same mistakes, and she also pointed out page numbers that were missing, and that my works cited page was not double spaced. Amanda suggested that a few of my sentences be worded differently, or moved to a different paragraph, but for the most part I left the organization of my paper the way it was. I also went through and edited my paper one last time, just to catch any small errors. I added a few commas where they were needed, and I took the time to really read each sentence separately so I would not miss anything.

I think peer review sessions can be tedious at times, but the end results are very helpful. The suggestions from my classmates were useful and insightful, and my paper improved because of them. I hope that my suggestions helped them in return, and that they were able to develop and refine their papers as well.

Advice Given

The two peer review sessions that were conducted for our final research papers were extremely valuable and they helped me to improve upon my rough drafts. I think all four of us were able to help each other immensely and it was definitely nice to see and hear the opinions of three other people. After looking at the same material for so long it is hard to find errors, so having a few sets of fresh eyes take a look at your work is very beneficial. I believe that I was able to give some good advice and suggestions to all of my classmates, and I also took their suggestions into consideration.

When it came to Amanda’s paper, I had a few suggestions for ways that she could improve her rough draft. I felt as if her paper was lacking logical organization, and that some things were just simply out of order. Her writing was good, and there were only a few grammatical errors, but I suggested that she move some of her paragraphs around. I thought that her paper was not flowing very well, and that some of the dates were out of order so it made it difficult for the reader to follow. She also talked about the same topics in a few different places in her paper, so I suggested that she put the related information together in order to cause less confusion. There were also a few things that were worded a bit awkwardly in my opinion, but they were not necessarily wrong. Overall I thought that the content of Amanda’s paper was very good and that her paper was well-researched.

Laurie’s paper on the other hand was extremely organized and it progressed in a logical manner. I felt as if it was easy to follow because the dates were in order and like topics were grouped together. The only major things that I found were a few inconsistencies. She had commas before and after “Jr.” in some places, and in others she had a comma only after it. Some of her citations differed from the others, so I just pointed these things out to her. She also used different tenses in a few places so I made some suggestions regarding that as well. Her paper seemed thoroughly researched and it was very interesting to read.

I also had a few suggestions for Molly and her paper. I found a few general mistakes, such as typos and simple word choice. There were a few places where she used “has” instead of “have” or where she left a word out. I also mentioned that some of her paragraphs were extremely long and indicated a few places where they could be broken apart. I added a few commas as well, and found a few sentences that I thought were fragments. I found very little wrong with the content and organization in Molly’s paper, and overall I believe that it was written very well.