Thursday, February 8, 2007

Sources for Rosser Reeves

While I was researching Rosser Reeves, I came across a few sources to use. I found most of the information about him and his life on the internet, but most of the information about the Unique Selling Proposition came from a book that Rosser Reeves wrote himself called "Reality in Advertising." This book is where he proposes the idea of the USP and where he explains it in great detail.

Unfortunately this book is no longer being printed, and has become a collectors item. Because I don't exactly have $800 to buy one on eBay, I have the photocopied pages of parts of the book. I think it will be very useful for my final paper and that the book holds a lot of information relevant to my topic.


Shelly said...

That's too bad the book isn't being printed anymore. You are lucky that Cody is also doing advertising. Maybe you two could work together, especially during peer reveiw days. I thought it was interesting to find out the results with Domino's advertisment. I can't believe that people would prefer a speedy pizza over a good tasting one, but I have to admit Domino's pizza is pretty good.

lscoula said...

I agree, that is a bummer that the book is no longer in print. Im sure you'll be able to find other helpful sources to replace it though.

mander said...

It sounds like you have found some good information to use. That is very unfortunate that the book Reality in Advertising isn't available because you could probably not only use it in your paper but in your career as well.