Monday, February 5, 2007

Rosser Reeves and his USP

Rosser Reeves is one of the most important figures in the history of advertising, and his idea of the Unique Selling Proposition paved the way for future advertisers. It was in the early 1940s that Reeves came up with the USP. The theory was first proposed to explain why certain advertising campaigns were successful. The idea was that each successful campaign had something unique to offer its consumer. The unique quality, trait, or promise was something that set the brand apart from its competitors.

The USP is simply the one thing you want people to remember about your product after they are exposed to the advertisement. Advertisers strive to come up with a USP for their campaigns today, but it is becoming more and more difficult to form a campaign around a USP.

One of the most classic examples of a USP came from Dominos. “Fresh, hot pizza delivered in 30 minutes or less, guaranteed,” was the slogan that the campaign was centered around. This was revolutionary because no other pizza competitor could promise that the pizza would be delivered in 30 minutes or less. Nothing was said about the taste or quality of the pizza, but a speedy delivery put Dominos ahead of the competition.

The Unique Selling Proposition is one of the most important advertising strategies in the business. Rosser Reeves came up with a new idea that was ground-breaking for his time, and he paved the way for future advertisers.
The image of Rosser Reeves was found at


lscoula said...

I think that is really interesting. It makes you think differently about some ads you see on TV once you know the background from which they came from. The dominoes example was really good too. It helped to understand what you were talking about with USP. I think this was a good person to start off with.

mander said...

I think this source is a very good source for your paper. I think you should explain what USP is because I do not know much about advertising so maybe you could do in introduction on what advertising is so people like me that may not know what all is involed could get some background information.

aegri_somnia said...

Shedding light on Mr Reeve's USP was brilliant. Not only do I now know that I know nothing about advertising, but I also know that I am a victim of advertising. I believe I fell into dominos scheme of speedy delivery once or twice. Great post.