Thursday, January 18, 2007

A topic already?

Today is the second day of College Writing II and we were asked to start thinking about a topic for a research paper, that will essentially be worked on thoughout the entire semester. I figured that it would probably be in my best interest take Professor Hanes' advice and choose a topic that is atleast somewhat related to my major. Advertising has interested me since high school, but that interest has grown in the last year, especially after last semester. I really enjoyed my Principles of Advertising class and now I am excited to continue in my major here at Kent State. As far as a topic goes, I'm still thinking about it. A topic involving advertising is a given but I need to come up with a specific idea.


mander said...

Well I think its a great idea that you are doing your research paper on advertising. By the sounds of it you really like advertising so you should have fun doing it. There also should be a lot of infomation out there on advertising depending on what your topic is going to be.

Unknown said...

It is always good to take Professor Hanes's advice.

Your journal is coming along nicely.

lscoula said...

I am interested in making advertising my major, so I am curious to read your paper and your blogs to get a feel for what it involves. I am extremely curious about the difference between marketing and advertising, because those are the two I am going back and forth on. I think you have a lot of good options to choose from with a subject of adverstising, you just need to find won with a lot of available information to make an eight page paper out of it