Thursday, January 25, 2007

Early Advertising History

Advertising began a lot earlier than one may assume. There are examples of advertisements that date back to the Ancient Greeks. The very first advertising came in the form of street cries, or vocal advertisements. Although vocal ads were most likely the first, print ads also developed very early. Signs were first posted in Rome advertising events such as a gladiator match or another public affair.

As history moves forward to the Middle Ages, so did the advertising. One interesting fact about ads in during this period is that most of them were pictures without and words. Most of the population was illiterate so pictures were the only way to communicate an advertisement. For the most part, signs were put up for individual merchants.

After the first newspaper was started in England, advertisements began to appear in print. The first is recorded to be an ad for the return of a stolen horse. Eventually, people were opening shops and charging for an ad to be posted. Newspaper ads became much more popular after the London Gazette decided to start running advertisements.

It wasn’t until 1661 that brand names began to appear. In 1665, ads for medicines to prevent and cure the plague were placed in newspapers. Names such as “Anti-Pestilential Pills” and “Incomparable Drink Against the Plague” were used.


mander said...

Wow I did not know that advertising started that early. I also did not know that speaking could be considered an advertisement. I thought the only way was by print or tv. If you are doing your paper on the history of advertising then I think this information that you have here is a good start. I find it interesting that signs were put up for individual reasons. I think you are on the right track so far.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your posting. I never thougth about how advertising began and I never would have thought back to Ancient times. Good begining!

Unknown said...

Take notice, everyone: this is the sort of journalling I want to see.

You should be commenting on Cody's journal:

Invite him to comment on yours, as well.

lscoula said...

I think this is really interesting information. I never thought it would date as far back as it does. The pictures without words makes total sense too, since education was only available to a select few back in the day. I think its weird how they advertised such different things because of the culture, and yet it still somewhat relates to our advertisements today.

Mr. E said...

You're doing advertising?!
Me too!!

OK, lol well I look forward to reading your blog, see what kind of information you dig up, maybe we can share resources as well, say if I'm having trouble finding something, or you're having trouble. I believe my blog is going to be aimed more towards the ethical part of advertising. I'm guessing yours is going to be about the history of advertising?

Either way, I guess I'll have to start checking your blog out more.

Cody Lee